2024 Rules Updates

2024 Rules Updates

3+4 Level Overview

7v7 Format

2-3-2 plus a goalie. No poles in Grades 3 & 4. (new for 2024).

2–25-minute running time half, 5-min halftime.

6x6 goals (new for 2024)

Modified Field: 40 yards wide x 90 yards long (new for 2024).

No overtime in these grades.

Faceoffs - A face off will start the game and the second half. Face-offs will be taken after all goals. Whenever a team takes a 5-goal lead the trailing team will be awarded the ball at midfield. Coaches must limit the number of face offs per player to an equal ratio.

Offsides - Two offensive and two defensive players (plus the goalie) must remain on one half of the field. This will not be a technical foul, but the official will stop-play and correct the error. Goalies are not allowed to cross midfield.

Scrum Situation - If a loose ball cannot be quickly picked up due to 3 or more players in a “scrum” or becomes trapped by multiple sticks, the official shall stop play and possession shall alternate.

Penalty - If a foul is committed, when play stops, the following will occur: The foul will be explained to the offending player who then must leave the field and enter the penalty area. A substitute will replace the offending player immediately and at no time shall either team play with fewer players than their opponent. The offending player may return when the opposing team scores a goal or their full penalty time expires.

Referees - (2) AO’s will be assigned to each field, trained, and prepared to referee the game within the rules, and provide a “safe play” environment.

Checks - Must be made with “two hands on” the crosse and to the crosse of an opponent or his gloved hand on his crosse. An opponent must be in possession of the ball or within three yards of a loose ball. Legal checks include lift checks, poke checks and a downward check initiated from below both players’ shoulders.

Body Contact - There is no body checking. All body contact should be “Equal Pressure” only. There can be holds or pushes against an opponent with possession of the ball or within 3 yards of a loose ball. They must be performed from the front or side, as long as both hands remain on the crosse and with either closed hands, a shoulder, or forearm.

Once a team is down by five (5) or more goals, the trailing team receives a free clear to midfield, and play commences at midfield.

*If your town runs a program for grades K-2, these rules may be used for these grades*

Grade 5 Level Overview

7v7 Format

8v8 Format 2-3-2 plus a goalie. No poles allowed in the 5th grade.

2- 25-minute running time half with an appropriate length half time, not to exceed 5 min.

6x6 goals

Modified Field: 40 yards wide x 90 yards long.

One (1) timeout per half. Two (2) timeouts per game. (new for 2024)

Faceoffs - A face off will start the game and the second half. Face-off after all goals. The losing team gets the ball at halftime (no FO) whenever a team takes a 5-goal lead. The league has eliminated the face off two (2) face-off maximum per player.

Substitutions - Live ball substitutions are made through the substitution box. Dead ball substitutions are made with the understanding of the quick whistle initiating play.

Offsides – Two (2) offensive and Two (2) defensive players (plus the goalie) must remain on one half of the field. This will not be a technical foul, but the official will stop-play and correct the error. Goalies are not allowed to cross midfield.

Penalty - The foul will be explained to the bench area and the offending player must leave the field and enter the penalty area. The offending player may return when the opposing team scores a goal or their full penalty time expires. Personal fouls are those of a serious nature. They include either safety or sportsmanship violations. The penalty for a personal foul shall be a 1,2-, or 3-minute removal from the game depending on the official’s discretion and severity of the foul.

Referees - One (1) AO and One (1) EMLOA official will be assigned to each field, trained, and prepared to referee the game within the rules, and provide a safe play environment.

Checks - In all cases, stick checks must be made with two hands on the crosse and to the crosse of an opponent or his gloved hand on his crosse. An opponent must be in possession of the ball or within 3

yards of a loose ball. Only checks with the crosse listed below are legal: (a) Lift the bottom hand or the head of the stick, whichever is below the chest area. (b) Poke the bottom hand or the head of the stick, whichever is below the chest area. (c) Downward check initiated from below both players’ shoulders.

Body Contact - Holding and Pushing are legal as long as the opponent has possession of the ball or is within 3 yards of a loose ball. The hold or push is from the front or side, done with closed hands, a shoulder or forearm and as long as both hands of the holder/pusher remain on their cross. The hold and push are done with equal pressure and not a violent blow. Positioning yourself against an opponent to gain possession of a loose ball (boxing out an opponent), Defensive positioning to redirect an opponent in possession of the ball (riding a player) and Incidental contact are allowed.

Counts - Goalie will be given a :04 second count. No other counts

Clearing - There are no counts involved with advancing the ball. Teams must work to move the ball into their offensive end. No count will be enforced unless the official feels that the clearing team is stalling.

where a10-second count will require the ball to enter the offensive zone. Once a team is down by five (5) or more goals, the trailing team receives a free clear to midfield, and play commences at midfield.

Grades 6/7/8 Level Overview

10 v 10 Format

3-3-3 plus a goalie. Poles are allowed in these grades

6th Grade - 3 long poles all on defense (no LSM)

7 & 8 Grade - 4 long poles

6x6 goals

Full field - Full Field (110 yards long; 60 feet wide

1-timeout per half; each a 30-second timeout. Time outs can be called with 2 minutes or less remaining in the game (new for 2024)

Faceoffs - A face off will start the game and the second half. Face-off after all goals. Trailing team gets the ball at half field (no FO) whenever a team takes a 10-goal lead.

Substitutions - All substitutions are on the fly unless there is a penalty or goal that stops play.

Offsides – Three (3) offensive and three (3) defensive players (plus the goalie) must remain on one half of the field.

Penalty - The foul will be explained to the bench area and the offending player must leave the field and enter the penalty area. Offending player will serve applicable penalty and opposing team will be man-up. The offending player may return when the opposing team scores a goal or their full penalty time expires (unless player was ejected or disqualified)

Referees – Two (2) Referees will be assigned to each field, trained, and prepared to referee the game within the rules, and provide a safe play environment.

Checks - Body checking is legal, but no “takeout” checks. A player can only deliver a legal body check to an opponent while in an upright position and with both hands on their crosse. The body check can only contact below the neck area, above the waist, and to the front or side of their opponent. A player can body check players in possession of the ball or within three yards of a loose ball.

Body Contact - Holding and Pushing are legal if the opponent has possession of the ball or is within 3 yards of a loose ball. The hold or push is from the front or side, done with closed hands, a shoulder or forearm and as long as both hands of the holder/pusher remain on their cross. The hold and push are done with equal pressure and not a violent blow. Positioning yourself against an opponent to gain possession of a loose ball (boxing out an opponent), Defensive positioning to redirect an opponent in possession of the ball (riding a player) and Incidental contact are allowed.

Stick Checks (Grade 8 only) - One-handed stick checks are allowed when done in control, with a true one-handed wind up and with proper contact. (new for 2024)

Counts - All Counts will be in play. :04 second goalie possession in the crease, :20 seconds for the ball to be advanced over the midline and :10 seconds for the ball to enter the offensive area.

Clearing - Over the Midline (20 seconds) - Upon gaining possession of the ball inside the defensive half of the field, a team shall advance the ball beyond the center line within twenty seconds or there will be an immediate turnover. Into the Goal Area (10 seconds) - Upon the ball being possessed in a team’s offensive half of the field, a team shall advance the ball into the goal area within 10 seconds or there will be an immediate turnover. Once started, both the :20 and :10 counts will continue until: (1) The opposing team gains possession (2) A clearing team player in possession of the ball steps on or over the line (3) An official sounds the whistle to stop play for any reason (4) The ball physically touches anything in the goal rea. Play-on (the count starts over once the offended team gains possession of the ball), a loose ball crosses over the midline (:20 count only).

Mouth Guard Violation - First violation is technical foul/loss of possession, 2nd violation is time serving penalty (:30). The player in violation will serve a penalty. (Updated for 2024)

Overtime (Grade 8 only) - When the score is tied at the end of regular playing time, both teams will have a 1-minute break. Four (4) minutes of overtime will be played. The winner will then be decided on a “sudden victory”. If there is no winner after four minutes, the game will end in a tie. (new for 2024)